The Spirit of the Lord


God will make a new beginning with the people in Jesus the Messiah. He is the young shoot sprouting from the roots of the stump from the line of David. God’s Spirit rests on him. He will bring peace – not the peace of resignation and the preservation of status quo. It is the peace and harmony that comes even to the poorest, springing from justice, loyalty and integrity. By his example, he will show us what we are meant to be and what we can do with our human potentials if we let God work in us, if God’s spirit is present in us, if we learn to think with God’s wisdom and insight, if we act with his power, and if we respect God’s order.

It is those who realize their own indigence, says Jesus, who are receptive to God’s gifts. With such people, Jesus can make his new beginning in this Advent.

Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,

you never give up on people.

Again and again, you want to make

a new beginning with us.

You showed us in Jesus, your Son,

the kind of people you want us to be.

As your Spirit rested on him,

pour out on us the same Spirit,

that we may see our mission in life

with your wisdom and insight

and that we may have the strength

to live as we believe and hope.

Grant this through Christ, our Lord.

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