Coffee With God


Reflection: Matthew 17: 14-20

‘Moving mountains’ was an expression used of Rabbis who were skilled in interpreting Scripture and resolving difficulties. Moving a real mountain must have been so dramatic in the time of Jesus. But today it is not so. If you want to move a real mountain, hire a bulldozer, Moving mountains is not a big problem. Any problem that a machine can solve cannot be such a big problem. There are much greater ones at the personal level. No machine can help us there; it requires a greater and more subtle power. That power is the faith that is lodged in us. It is a power greater than that of a bulldozer. Sometimes certain misfortunes that threaten our lifes, where in the material or financial securities remain useless, force us to turn to God as the final refuge. Today’s Gospel takes us to one of such situations. A father is in pain to see the sufferings of his son. He had tried all possible treatments for his son, but without any cure. Even the disciples of Jesus could not offer a help for the child. Reaction of Jesus at the failure of his disciples shows a sense of frustration and anger, because Jesus does not want his disciples to remain helplessly staring at the mountain. He had taught them numerous times they could move the mountains provided they have a little faith. In fact, he had given them the power to heal the sick and drive out demons, when they were all sent on the Mission. But now, they remain helpless. Matthew’s point was to emphasise that God accomplishes what seems impossible, through the hands of those who believe in him, provided they remain close to and trusting in God. Even a little faith can accomplish much, when we are connected to sources of power – the authority of God. The Lord does not want us to turn to him only in situations of need. It is our experience that when we are confronted with mountain of problems for which we cannot find a solution, we turn to God and expect God to perform signs and favours for us. This is the wrong way of approaching God. We look for God only when we need him, but God looks for us all the time!

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