Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 19: 13-15
Who doesn’t love children? Parents and family love watching them growing up. Being a parent is a beautiful vocation. But giving birth to a child does not make anyone a parent. A parent is one who accepts the task of integral formation of a child and raises him or her into physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual maturity. Today’s Gospel reminds us of our responsibility to take our children to God. How often do we hear adults saying, “Faith is a personal choice and I will not impose any religion to my children. Let them choose their faith when they are old enough to do so.” But these generous parents, ironically do not give that equal freedom to their kids when it comes to choosing the food they eat, the dress they wear, the schools they go to, and their activities they engage in. Because, we wish to give our children the very best of everything. The Gospel talks about people bringing their children to Jesus, so that he might bless them. Today the secularisation of the world prevent people from taking their children to God. There are many Catholic parents who prefer their kids skip the Sunday liturgy and Catechism classes, to attend tuition classes and co-curricular activities. While giving everything best to their kids, parents no longer feel the necessity of introducing Jesus to their children. Today’s Gospel is a gentle reminder not forget to take our children to Jesus. “Do Not Prevent Them”: How do the adults prevent children from coming to Jesus? Our bad examples prevent them from coming to Jesus. When parents live their lives in faith with love, compassion and sacrifice, they are raising their children in the love of Jesus. It is the sacred mission of the parents to teach their children, not only to aspire to be successful people in the world, but importantly to aspire for heaven! When we have accomplished this mission, we can be assured to hear those wonderful words from our children, “Thanks for helping me to get here.” Let us not forget to thank the Lord for our parents, who helped us to grow in faith and keep them in our prayers.

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