Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 22:1-14
The parable speaks to us of the Kingdom of God as a wedding feast. But the Gospel warns us: the invitation can be rejected. Many of the guests said no, because they were taken over by their personal interests. The guests, in fact, did not think that the wedding was sad or boring, but simply “did not care”: they were distracted by “their” interests. This is how we distances ourselves from love – both love of God and love of people – not out of malice, but because we prefer our own: security, comforts and pleasures. We prefer to chase behind profits, pleasures, some hobbies that make us happy, but we fail to care about the invitation of God. we have time for everything else – for our work, for socialisations, for leisure trips, for meal gatherings, games … but no time for the Church, prayer, the Word of God… because we ignore His invitation. And when everything depends on the self – what I want, what I need – we become rigid and evil, we react in a bad way for nothing, like the guests of the Gospel, who came to insult and even to kill (cf. v. 6) those who brought the invitation, just because they bothered them. God is the opposite of selfishness, of self-reference. The Gospel tells us, in the face of the constant rejections he receives, in the face of the refusals of his invitations, the king goes on, he does not postpone the feast. He continues to invite, includes even more people. God, in the face of the injustices suffered, responds with a greater love. God, while suffering for our “no’s”, continues to take the initiative again and again. Because that’s how love is; because that’s the only way evil can be defeated. There is one final aspect that the Gospel emphasizes: the dress of the guests, which is indispensable. It is not enough to answer once the invitation, to say “yes” and that’s it, but you have to put on the clothe, you need the habit of living love every day. Because one cannot say “Lord, Lord” without living according to God’s will (cf. Mt 7,21). We need to clothe ourselves every day with his love, to renew God’s choice every day. We have received in Baptism the white robe, the bridal garment for God. Let us ask Him for the grace to choose and wear this dress every day and to keep it clean. How do I do it? Above all, by seeking without fear the Lord’s forgiveness: this is the decisive step to enter the wedding hall to celebrate the feast of love with Him.

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