XXVI GC: Worshippers and joyful witnesses in the Church’s boat

Nemi, Italy. September 9, 2021. The Chapter has only a few days left but our community does not lose the vigor of working together and the joy that comes from God. This was announced in the opening hymn of the Eucharist, animated by our brothers from Colombia-Venezuela: joyful morning, which speaks to us of you. And so, we have been able to experience it throughout the day. Truly today has been a time of joy in the Lord, the One who has welcomed us into his boat to be with Him and to call others to the service of his Kingdom.

With our sights set on St. Peter’s at the Vatican, where the audience with Pope Francis awaited us, we made a first stop before leaving Nemi in the atrium of St. John the Baptist Church of the Ad Gentes Center to take the official group photo of this XXVI General Chapter. Arriving in Rome, like so many pilgrims from all over the world, we walked along Via della Conciliazione (Avenue of Conciliation) to St. Peter’s Square. Once there – the first time for some of us – we crossed the famous Bronze Door and the sunny Courtyard of St. Damasus to enter the Apostolic Palace. There we met our brother Card. Aquilino Bocos Merino, CMF, and some other Claretians from the communities of Rome. The splendid Clementine Hall was opened for us: everything in it – the color of the frescoes, the brightness of the marble, the play of lights, the fraternal conversation – created the atmosphere of great occasions.


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