Coffee With God


Reflection: Mathew 18:1-5,10
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. Life is a journey, along which we must be helped by companions, by protectors, by guides that guard us against dangers, and from the traps we might encounter along the way. The Lord promises us, His people, special helpers who travel along the path of life to help us. Today, we celebrate that promise of God: “Behold, I send an angel before you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place which I have prepared.” Two days ago, we celebrated the Feast of the Archangels and reflected on the role of an angel and our own vocation and mission to be angels or agents of God for people who await a helping hand. While speaking about the assistance of the angels in our life, Pope Francis explains that God’s assistance for the people through His angels is promised only to those who set out on journey to their destination, which God has prepared. But there is a danger of many, not going on that journey. Their whole life is stalled, without moving, without doing anything… It is a danger. Like that man in the Gospel who was afraid to invest the talent but buried it. Then, he tells himself, “I am at peace, I am calm. I can’t afford to make a mistake. So, I won’t take a risk.” When you are stagnant, you get corrupted – like stagnant water – become filthy and foul-smelling. But, when we are on the go, the angels appear on our way, to assist us. The angel is there “to help us not to mistake the road, and to continue to journey along when we request for help through our prayer. Today’s gospel reminds us that the presence and the role of the angels in our life is very important, because they not only help us to journey well, but also show us our destination. The Lord says, “Do not despise one of these little ones,” because “their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” Our angel is not only with us; he also sees God the Father. From the moment we arise to the moment we go to bed, he accompanies us and is a link between us and God the Father – he is the daily bridge. The angel helps me to go forward because he looks upon the Father, and he knows the way. Let us not forget these companions along the journey, and thank God the Father for assigning them in our lives.

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