Premiere of the film “Claret” in Vic

Vic, Spain. The film “Claret” was very well received in the city of Vic, where Claret founded the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Heart of Mary. The film was premiered on Friday, October 1 at 5:35 p.m. at the Multicines-Sucre. Two more screenings will be held on Sunday, October 3 and Wednesday, October 6.

The large audience, about 80 people, was made up of religious, lay people, Claretians, and even the Bishop of Vic, Msgr. Romà Casanova, with his secretary, Mn. Jaume Casamitjana, attended. Dolors Arqués, the Provincial Superior of the Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation, Sr. Maria Rosa Masrramon, and the local superiors of almost all the numerous religious communities of Vic. Among the laity were many parishioners of the Temple-Sulchre of St. Anthony Mary Claret, members of the Casal Claret, Lay Claretians, and various friends of the Claretian Community.

Before watching the film, Fr. Carlos Sanchez, historical advisor of the script, made a brief presentation of some keys to better understand the film. You can access the

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