Triduum to Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Triduum to Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Vic, Spain. The Solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret in 2021 falls on a Sunday. It is a beautiful opportunity to share with joy, the rich spiritual and missionary legacy of our Father Founder with the People of God gathered in the liturgical assembly on the Lord’s Day.

The General Prefecture of Spirituality and Community Life offers you these materials, which you can adapt to the reality of your communities, for the celebration of the traditional Triduum of preparation, as recommended in our documents (cf. CMF Directory, 89).

As this year is marked by the recent celebration of our XXVI General Chapter, we propose to deepen during this Triduum the figure of our Founder in light of the central message of the post-chapter exhortation “Querida Congregación. Rooted in Christ, audacious in Mission”.

Pope Francis, in the message addressed during the Audience with the Chapter members, stated that “If you want your mission to be truly fruitful, you cannot separate the mission from contemplation and a life of intimacy with the Lord. If you want to be witnesses, you cannot stop being worshipers. Witnesses and worshipers are two words found in the heart of the Gospel: “He called them to be with Him and to send them out to preach” (Mk 3,14). Two dimensions that nourish each other cannot exist without each other”. Thus, the first two days of the Triduum will be focused on these fundamental aspects: rooted and audacious.


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