Message from the Superior General

Dear brothers,

Wish you a joyful celebration of the feast of our Founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret. Though the global situation of Covid-19 has significantly improved, we shall have prudent restrictions on the external celebration of the feast. Humanity is slowly limping back to a “new normalcy” with the lessons learned from the experience of the pandemic. Indeed, trials of life reveal the true treasures hidden in human hearts.

Last year we celebrated the Claretian Year of the 150th anniversary of the death of our Founder and this year the XXVI General Chapter under the shadows of the global pandemic.  As we have begun the post-Chapter period that obliges us to live the effects of this pandemic on humanity, we shall welcome the “new normalcy” deeply rooted in Jesus Christ and audacious in our life and mission. We do not allow the pandemic to rob us of our missionary enthusiasm.

The General Council is in Vic from 17th October for two weeks.  We want to draw from the spirit of our Founder to walk forth to realize the Dream that the Lord invited us to weave together in the General Chapter for this sexennium. We know that Father Claret’s life was marked by the dream of his infancy about eternity. As a youth, he dreamed of a successful career fashioned by his passion for textile designing and the desire of his dad. But the Lord taught him the art of dreaming with God and walking with Him in a different way. In a very turbulent society of his time, Father Claret could anchor himself in Christ and audaciously carry out the mission entrusted to him. It is interesting to note how our Founder describes his everyday journey in his autobiography, “The Lord gave me to understand…” (Aut 93, 101, 117, 118, 191, 198, 254, 403, 534, 674, 680, 697, etc.). This kind of “given understanding” of reality in the light of God’s word is necessary for us to live our missionary vocation with audacity.

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