The General Government in Vic, Spain

Vic, Spain. The General Government had a few days of conviviality and work in our House of Spirituality in Vic (Spain) from October 18 to 30, 2021. From October 18 to 23, accompanied by Father Gonzalo Fernandez, the General Government worked on the discernment and practice of attitudes, principles, functions and competencies that can help the Superior General and his Government to improve their service of authority in the key of a transforming leadership.

From October 25-30, the General Government, after a shared and careful reading and study of the Chapter Exhortation Querida Congregación, worked on the design of a first draft of its Plan of Action for the sexennium 2021-2027, and elaborated some drafts of a possible organizational chart of the General Government and of the areas and teams of animation at the service of the Congregation.


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