Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 5:17-26

“My friend, your sins are forgiven.” That was not what he came for. He hoped something could be done about his paralysis. He had every reason for disappointment. We approach the Lord with numerous of desires and supplications. But to reach closer to the Lord, he purifies us first, grants us forgiveness of sins. As we approach him in this Advent season, the Lord offers us this precious gift – forgiveness and peace of mind. Studies have proved that there is a direct relationship between sickness that affect the human body and their behavior. Modern medicine has identified many of the sicknesses as psycho-somatic. A lot of people are sick and even in hospital because their bodies reveal symptoms of disease which has its roots in their hearts, minds and emotions. Forgiving one another and obtaining God’s forgiveness are essential for the wellbeing of the whole human person – in body, mind, heart and in our relationships with others. The healing of the paralytic makes an indication to the story of the resurrection, the new life. When the man now stands up and is able to walk, something he could not do before, he goes home. He goes to the place where he belongs. We stand in need of the healing of Christ which removes the things that paralyze or handicap us in our following of the Lord. His forgiveness and his healing touch enables us to stand up again from the paralyses of sinfulness and then we find our way to our true home, our heavenly Father’s home. The last part of the miracle seems to be that not only did the man and his friends glorify God, but “astonishment seized them all” and it appears that even the scribes and Pharisees “glorified God and were struck with awe.” Today we have the chance to be struck with awe by the God who is at our side and saves us at every moment of the day. Today is a chance to be grateful and glorify God. If we allow ourselves to believe that God is really here for us today, then our hearts and lives will be filled with “joy and gladness.”

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