Coffee With God

Reflection: John1:1-18

Today is the last day of the year, that has not been an easy year for many. Yet, today’s gospel reading does not speak about an ending but a beginning. Authors of books give emphasis on the first page of their books to give the reader a bird’s eye-view of their work to capture the interest and curiosity of the reader. To introduce his Gospel, John composes this hymn. From the time when the Church introduced specific readings from the Bible for the liturgy of the day, the Prologue to John’s Gospel was the traditionally assigned for Christmas Day, and for the end of the year too – because it introduces the story of the relationship of God with his people – story of a God who loved to walk with his people. It was God’s Word or the Wisdom of God that created the universe. Now that Word takes the human form decides to live with his people, whom he had created. The Book of Genesis speaks of a God who used to walk with Adam and Eve as the best friends in the Garden. But they, through their disobedience, fall away from the grace of God. John in his prologue speaks of a similar situation: God the creator of the universe, comes to his own people to live with them, but unfortunately, the people refuse to accept him. God who is the light, is now rejected by this world of darkness. We come to the end of a year and listen to what the Word of God says to us. It helps us look back to evaluate and to look forward in hope. As we stand on the threshold of another year, we take time to recall the greatest event of all: God has entered our world, making it his permanent dwelling. As the year 2021 draws to a close, today’s gospel brings us back to the beginning of all time. Let us set aside some time today, to reflect on how the light of God’s presence has impacted our life during this past year. Let us be grateful and give thanks for all we have received from God directly and through the gift of other people. It is in receiving God’s love present in Jesus that we are empowered to share that love to others. At the end of the year, we hear about the beginnings. We are reminded that everything comes from God and belongs to Him. He takes us forward to a new creation, a new birth, a new beginning, another new year. The Word of God penetrates within each person and makes us feel accepted as a son, as a daughter of God. This is the power of the Word of God. Let us leave aside our sinful past and look to the future of being a child of God.

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