Coffee With God

Reflection: John 3:22-30
Today’s gospel brings to us two key sentences from John the Baptist as guidelines for our participation in the life of the community – the Church. Our faith in Jesus implies that we are members of one Family. We cannot ignore our brothers and sisters and still claim to be disciples of Christ. When the disciples of John the Baptist realised a potential threat from the baptising mission of Jesus and his disciples, they ran up to the Baptist and complain. The response of John should be made our life-principle. “He Must Increase; I Must Decrease”: This life-motto must take root in our hearts. In our homes, parishes and communities, and in the society at large, it is our experience that we are willing to offer our services, provided our efforts and services are acknowledged, applauded and helps to enhance our self-importance. We claim to serve Christ, but if we have our status compromised by criticism or see someone less capable moved ahead of us in rank, our hearts crumble in disappointment and we withdraw from the scene. Moreover, we wait for opportunities to criticise people for their lack of commitment and the poor quality of the job done. The story of John the Baptist invites us to look into our own lives to see if our aspirations and actions are to project our self-importance or we allow ourselves to be windows to the heart of Christ in the world, centered on love, humility and service. If I desire to project my name and status ahead of Christ, I do not deserve to be called a “Christian.” John says, he “Rejoices Greatly at the Voice of the Bridegroom”: The Baptist had his focus fixed on the one who was coming. As a best-man in a wedding feast, he eagerly awaits the appearance of the bridegroom. He prepares the stage for the groom. As the bridegroom arrives on stage, the best-man rejoices in the happiness of the groom, and steps aside the centre stage. John recognises the bridegroom – the Messiah – and is more than happy to leave the stage for him. Many of the miseries that confront our families, our communities and the Church today, result from our unwillingness to leave the stage for Christ; instead we place ourselves at the centre as the protagonist of the mission. Thus we are busy preparing ways for ourselves instead of preparing the Way of the Lord. Lord, help me grow in the virtue of humility and have the joy of placing myself at the service of others.

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