Coffee With God

Reflection: Mk 3:22-30

Today the Church celebrates the memorial of the patron saint of journalists and writers – St. Francis de Sales – a 16th century bishop and doctor of the Church. He was a religious celebrity of his time. His concern for the poor reflected in his choice of life of austerity in humility. He was a true shepherd who never expected any special privileges. As the Church celebrates the memorial of this great saint, we pray for the courage and graces for leading a balanced life of study, prayer, virtue, and service. In today’s gospel, Jesus is demonized by the religious leaders of his day. They accuse him of colluding with the powers of Satan to perform his miracles. Jesus calls them out for their lack of logic, “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot survive.” “The truth is, Satan can cast off Satan,” writes Fr. Paulson a Claretian Missionary and Clinical Psychologist. The evil powers manage to create a feeling that they can annihilate evil, but the truth is, it is a vicious circle, a game of the devil. Fr. Paulson raises a number of questions that touch our daily life situations, to demonstrate, how do we collude with the evil powers to deal with the evil: “Don’t we cast out Satan with Satan when we use violence to heal violence? Think of why we have wars, terrorism, capital punishment, expulsions of members from families….’. Quoting René Girard, Fr. Paulson reflects that, “the world only knows about peace brought by violence. However, it is to such a world that Christ brings the “finger of God,” the Holy Spirit, who confronts and defeats the evil with the dynamics of inclusive love. Neither the pharisees of the time of Jesus nor we understand well the work of the Holy Spirit. To equate the work of the Holy Spirit to the work of the devil is blasphemous, and denial of God. Taking revenge or keeping grudges against our offender is the game of the devil What is our reaction to the Gospel today? What message does Jesus is give us today? Is it about blasphemy? Or is Jesus simply trying to free us from the powers of the evil? There are times when we are unable to forgive ourselves for the wrongs we have done! Ask yourself: what do you need to forgive yourself for? Are you willing to let Jesus “set you free?” Jesus is waiting and ready! Have the courage to trust Him enough, to open our minds and hearts to His love, His forgiveness, and His healing.

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