Celebrating in a Special Way the Treasure in our Hearts

The congregation with the whole Church celebrated the 2022 Sunday of the Word of God. This is one of the steps in the realization of our dream with Claret, of a Congregation that, following the example of Mary, treasures in its heart, fulfills and proclaims the Word of God. The General Prefect of Bible and Communications, Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF, sent a well-prepared guide to the entire Congregation to make the celebration extraordinary and all involving. From Asia to America, Europe down to Africa, as the sun rises from the east to west, the Claretian communities, parishes, institutions gathered, shared, celebrated the Word, the center and source of strength of the Claretian missions.

Claretian Major Organisms around the world who were able to document the event shared their photos and videos, and you may find them on the Facebook Page of the Congregation (https://www.facebook.com/claretians). These celebrations reveal the different faces of the Congregation and the mode of celebration of the Sunday.  We had the enthronement of the Bible with cultural diversities accentuated, the installation of Lectors, and the show of personal copies of the Bible.

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