Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 6:7-13

The Twelve apostles moving out in pairs on their first mission journey to preach and heal, speaks to us of the same mission we share as disciples of Jesus. Think of what each one of us could do today, because the Lord has “sent” us – we are missionaries- to the people around us – our spouses, our children, our parents, our friends, our co-workers, the people in our parish or community. Let us not forget that at baptism, we are commissioned by Jesus to bring peace and healing to others! This is our mission today, to which the Lord is sending us: to bring liberation and peace to those who are entrusted to us through the healing love of Jesus. Facing the daily challenges in life, the Word of God calls on us to practice one single virtue: trust in the one who has called you, because he has placed tremendous trust in you. It is the trust that Jesus has in you and me that made him place us wherever we are. Do not fail his trust. Ever felt insecure at home because you thought parents do not love you or your spouse does not appreciate you? Ever felt rejected in your work places or in the Church or in the community by people that matter, people in power? Perhaps these are the securities that Lord wants us to give up when we choose to be his ambassadors. The Gospel demands us to keep your money bag and personal kit that give us a false sense of security out of sight. Today, our securities could be people’s appreciation, our social status, or positions. We are invited instead to load ourselves with the Good News and love of God. When we choose not to place our trust in our positions and possessions, Jesus promises to equip us with all the necessary powers to heal and to fight against the powers of the evil forces and to preach the Word of God. At the same time, he gives us a clue that not everything is going to be alright in your mission! There will be people who reject you– perhaps at home, in the Church, in your work places … wherever you may be. Do not be disheartened. A contemporary reading of today’s gospel gives us a hint as to how to respond to the rejections we face from the people: “If you’re not welcomed, not listened to, quietly withdraw. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way.” When we are out there, the Lord guarantees his constant accompaniment and that’s all the security we need!

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