Coffee With God


Reflection: Mark 6:14-29

Today’s Gospel presents four major characters. There is John the Baptist on one side and King Herod, his brother’s wife Herodias and her daughter. St. James’ letter describes tongue as fire (Jas 3:6). It can burn and destroy lives. The words we utter can either build up or imprison us and others, depending on how and what we speak. John the Baptist used his tongue to speak the truth and challenge the king. But the truth is that the ‘truth’ is seldom appreciated, and often strangled. About Herod, the Gospel says, “The king regretted his promise.” One translation of the Bible says he was “tied in a knot” – a very graphic description. Tongue, if not controlled and mastered, can tie us in knots. Pope Francis, explains the gospel and says, “Herodias hated John because he spoke words she did not like to hear. Hatred is Satan’s breath”, says the pope, “capable of doing everything except loving. The devil’s ‘love’ is hatred and Herodias had the satanic spirit of hatred that destroys. The daughter of Herodias was a talented dancer. But her talents are used to seduce and kill. Her mother nurtured her with hatred and spirit of the devil. She had no hesitation in asking for the head of a person as a gift! How heartless the child of woman with hatred has become. Parents who are filled with hatred towards family members or people in the neighbourhood are giving a wrong example and education to their children. Times haven’t really changed much, as we hear and read about the beheadings that still happen around us. Herods and Herodias are still alive in our world. Many are beheaded just for speaking the truth and professing their faith as Christians. Today the Church commemorates the memorial of 184 Blessed Claretian martyrs who were killed during the Spanish Civil War between 1936-’39 just because they wore the cassock. They were offered to go free if they were to give up their cassocks and go home, which they refused and opted to die rather than giving up their faith. John the Baptist ended up alone, in a dark prison cell, as the victim of a vain dancer, victim of hatred of a diabolical woman and victim of an undecided king. John’s beheading, took place long ago and far away. But many more killings happen today – around us and really not far away. What Can we do to stop the killings today? Our words can kill people. Be sure of your words – both what we speak and what we post on social media platforms. Posts on media platforms today are more damaging than spoken words. Let our words be those generate life, love and forgiveness!

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