Three Questions of Pope Francis…

Three Questions of Pope Francis to the Consecrated People

Vatican City. On February 2, 2022, the Church celebrated the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the 26th World Day for Consecrated Life. It is a unique date for all of us who are part of this vocation within the Church.

The Holy Father celebrated Holy Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica with a limited capacity due to the pandemic. During this celebration, the Pope usually addresses words of encouragement to the Church to help us to remain faithful to the vocation we have received. This year he posed three questions based on the Gospel proclaimed in which Simeon and Anna appear waiting in the Temple (Lk. 2:26-28).

What is it that moves us?

The Holy Spirit is the center of everything. And in the face of the airs of grandeur and worldly aspirations, he invites us to continue to focus as consecrated persons on the small, the fragile, the last of this world. He says: “Let us think of the cross; there too there is a smallness, a fragility, even a drama.” “We sometimes run the risk of conceiving our consecration in terms of results, goals, and success.”


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