Hand-in-Hand in Forming Future Missionaries…

Hand-in-Hand in Forming Future Missionaries: Mãe de África Deacons Ordained in West Nigeria


Ibadan, Nigeria. It was a day of joy for the Delegation of West Nigeria as she witnessed the diaconate ordination of five candidates from Mãe de África Independent Delegation. The ordination occurred on February 5, 2022, at the Claret House of Theology, Elerumoke. For the first time, West Nigeria Independent Delegation has had the privilege to witness the ordination of Claretian students, members of other Major Organisms who took their theological formation in the Delegation’s formation house in Nigeria.

The Ordaining Prelate, Most Rev. Emmanuel Badejo, Bishop of Oyo Diocese, expressed his joy during the celebration. He happily confessed to the worshippers that the ordination of these brothers of the Mãe de África Independent Delegation, Claretian Students from Angola & São Tomé e Príncipe, is the first international ordination he has had since his episcopacy.

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