Being Rooted in Christ and Audacious in…

Being Rooted in Christ and Audacious in Mission in German-Speaking Europe Today

Spaichingen, Germany. As the Province of Deutschland begins its X Provincial Chapter today, we present an interview with the Provincial Superior of Deutschland, Fr. Callistus Joseph, CMF, during the preparation stage of their Chapter. The X Provincial Chapter of Deutschland is presided by Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, General Superior of the Congregation. It will run from today until the 12th of this month at the Dreifaltigkeitsberg House of the Province.  The Chapter takes the same theme as the General Chapter with a bit of modification: “Being rooted in Christ and Audacious in mission in German-speaking Europe today.”

What are the initial preparations done, still in the process? What or how is the itinerary of the process going on?

The preparation of the Chapter started almost a year ago with the creation of five commissions to evaluate the Present situation of the Province, especially focusing on the Prefectures vis a vis the resolutions of the IX Provincial Chapter. The preparation for the General Chapter became very useful when different rounds of conversations took place at various levels. The commissions integrated the outcome of these conversations in the preparation of the reports.

It is during the Provincial Assembly in July 2021 that all members had the opportunity to continue our conversation as a Province. Each commission presented the outcome of their conversation at the community level, with our collaborators and among the commission members. At the Assembly, the conversation was inclusive of all the members. Fortunately, 38 of the 44 members of the Province participated in the Assembly.

This painstaking exercise was very useful. Commissions gathered again to include the points of conversation shared by all members of the Province. It became a more inclusive overview of all the members of the Province.

After the General Chapter, the commissions gathered again and integrated the Chapter Promptings to the report. The report of the government and the working paper are already sent to the Chapter members.

What is the uniqueness of this Chapter and the challenges in preparing it?

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