CLARET on Italian Television on Valentine’s Day

Rome, Italy. The film “CLARET,” as it continues its international distribution, will air on prime time television of TV2000 of Italy at 9:10 in the evening of February 14, 2022, dubbed in the Italian language.

It features some significant moments in the life of St. Anthony Mary Claret, also known as “Father Claret,” a hero of human rights and founder of various congregations and institutes—the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CMF), the Daughters of the Holy and Immaculate – Heart of Mary Cordimarian Filiation (HICM), the Religious of Mary Immaculate Claretian Missionary Sisters (RMICM), and the Lay Claretian Movement (MSC).

The film CLARET shows how the saint loved the poor and the oppressed, and how much he loved the Lord. Not only that, but it is also an  artistic representation of his words: “Fall in love with Jesus Christ and your neighbor, and you will do even greater things.” It shows how rooted he is in Christ, the motor of his being audacious in all his actions.


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