Closing of the Year of Saint Anthony Mary Claret..

Closing of the Year of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in the Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba


Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. On February 16, 2022, 171 years after the arrival of the new Archbishop, Antonio María Claret, to his Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba, the solemn Closing Mass of this “Year of Saint Anthony Mary Claret” took place in its Cathedral. It was presided by Monsignor Dionisio García Ibáñez, current Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, accompanied by the Archbishop of Camaguey, Monsignor Wilfredo Pino, the Bishop of Bayamo Manzanillo, Monsignor Alvado Beyra, and the Bishop of Holguín Las Tunas, Monsignor Emilio Aranguren and his Auxiliary Bishop Monsignor Marcos Pirán. Monsignor Sivano Pedroso, Bishop of Guantanamo Baracoa, was unable to attend. All of these territories in Claret’s time were part of the immense Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba.

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