Celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the…

Celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the Claretian Presence in Uganda: A Perfect Moment to Say Yes to Serve the Lord

Jinja, Uganda. On January 5, 2022, St. Charles Lwanga Independent Delegation finally celebrated the  Silver Jubilee of the arrival of the Claretian Missionaries in Uganda after a year of postponement. The celebration took place at the Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Parish, Kiyunga, in the Diocese of Jinja.

A day before the main occasion, the Delegation joyfully celebrated the perpetual profession of the student Kizito Nkologi Mapeera, CMF at Blessed Andre Sola Philosophy with Fr. Joy Joseph Mampilikennel, CMF, (Major Superior of St. Charles Lwanga) as the main presider, and receiver of Kizito’s perpetual vows. He was assisted by Fr. Athanasius Madu, CMF (Prefect of Apostolate), and Fr. Amos Moses Onyait, CMF (Prefect of Students).

Fr. Joy, during his sermon, stressed that “being rooted in Christ and audacious in the mission” is one of the essential attitudes required in our own time. Several Claretians working in East Africa attended the occasion aside from the number of religious men and women working in the Jinja diocese who also graced the occasion.

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