Three New Claretians Priests to Serve…

Three New Claretians Priests to Serve the Faithful of Sri Lanka

Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The 16th of February 2022 was a day of blessing for St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation as she received the gift of three new priests.

Deacons Donal Christy CMF, Annroy Aravinth, CMF and Patrick Johnson, CMF were ordained as priests by the Most Rev. Dr. Justin Bernard Gnanapragasam, the Bishop of Jaffna at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Jaffna.

In the homily the bishop highlighted the importance for priests to cultivate a deep relationship with the Lord and to have a total commitment for the Lord’s mission to remain happy and holy priests. During a speech, the Vicar General of the diocese Very Rev. Fr. Josephdas Jebaratnam noted with appreciation the dedicated missionary service the Claretian Missionaries are rendering in the diocese of Jaffna.

The new priests celebrated their first masses in their respective parishes and are ready to take up the new ministries assigned to them. We wish our new priests a happy and fruitful missionary life and service. With these ordinations the number of Sri Lankan natives ordained as Claretian priests rises to forty-six.

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