Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 10: 17-27

Mark says the man who approached Jesus was rich and Mathew presented him as young. So we have combined both adjectives to describe him as young and rich. Mark narrates the way he approaches Jesus: He comes running and kneels before Jesus. The Gospel had presented two other characters, who also behave like this man. One was the demoniac, who was possessed with an evil spirit. The other was the leper, who felt impure and punished by God. This young and rich man behaves as if he is possessed and that makes him feel impure like a leper. He is indeed possessed by the most dangerous of demons: the demon that forces him to cling to the goods of this world. It is the devil that makes you attach your heart to the riches of the world. This demon of material riches and possessions dehumanizes you. But who doesn’t love to be rich and enjoy the comforts of life? In Chinese culture, riches are regarded as the good fortune. On Chinese New Year, people wish one another “Gung-hei Faat-choi” – which means “wish you plenty of wealth and riches.” But, the greed of riches will make you lose the meaning of life. This man runs up to Jesus for something that only Jesus could give: peace of mind and harmony in his life. Jesus proposes him a new approach to his life. He says: ‘You must share your assets. They are not yours, they belong to God and you must share them with those who need them.’ Give up, abandon, part with – are the words we must pay attention to. The rich young man moves away sad. Jesus is clear: One does not enter into the new world that he proposes unless one accepts the logic of sharing the goods with all; goods of this world must be transformed into love. Jesus wants to bring to our attention the danger of wealth because wealth possesses the strength of a seductive god. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle….” It cannot happen, even if it tries. But then comes the promise: “For people it is impossible, but not for God; because for God everything is possible.” When we allow the proposal of Jesus to penetrate our hearts, the human nature is restored in our life; and the demon of material possessions and riches is driven out of our lives. Once that leprosy of selfishness is healed from our body, we become joyful to make ourself available to our brothers and sisters.


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