Coffee With God

Reflection: John 14:6-14

Today we remember two of the apostles: Philip and James. In the first chapter of John, Jesus addresses Philip, a fisherman, in Galilee: “Follow me.” He does not want to follow him alone! He goes and finds his friend, Nathanael, and tells him: “we have found the one, who Moses wrote about in the law”. And he goes on to insist Nathanael to “Come and see” (Jn 1:43-51). Philip would appear again before the Lord performs the sign of feeding the five thousand (Jn 6:5-7) and expresses his helplessness – ‘even 200 days’ salary would not suffice to buy enough food for these people’ – he reasons out. Perhaps this is what the evangelist wanted to highlight… God’s providential care in the midst of desperate helplessness of humankind. God the father cares for his people. He loves his children. Today’s passage begins with a self-definition of Jesus: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” God’s self-revelation with Moses was the beginning of this pattern, when God revealed himself to Moses and said: “I am who I am …” In the New Testament, Jesus continues that pattern: “I am the vine and you are the branches;” “I am the good Shepheard;” “I am the gate;” “I am the light of the world;” and “I am the bread that comes down from heaven.” Today he adds to that list of “I am…” In today’s gospel, Philip has one request “Lord, show us the father and that is enough.” And Jesus teaches him and us the way to see the Father: “No one comes to the Father, except through me.” Those who follow Jesus, see the face of God the Father. In other words, the face of the Father in heaven is revealed to the humankind through the person of Jesus. Jesus’ love, mercy and compassion revealed the nature of God the Father. That’s why Jesus says, “Whoever sees me, sees the Father.” Through his life and death Jesus revealed to the world the possibilities and the power of the love of God. There is no other way to know the Father than by adopting the way of Jesus – the way of sacrificial love. We say: “practice makes perfect.” The same happens to us on the path of following Jesus. That is why Pope Francis says: “I invite you to meet the Lord by reading the Word of God frequently. If you are not used to it yet, start with the Gospels. Read a passage each day. Let the Word of God speak to your hearts, let it be light for your steps,” and guide us to the Father. Let us make the desire of Philip, our prayer: “Lord, Show us the Father and that is enough.”

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