A Call to be Rooted in Christ

Benlutu – Soe – Indonesia. Responding to the call of the XXVI General Chapter to be rooted in Christ and be audacious in mission, the Claretian Missionaries of the Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste have begun their annual retreat and assembly facilitated by Frs. Valens Agino and Eugenio Paul Madoni, cmff. Both participated in the XXVI General Chapter from August 15 to September 11 in Nemi.

Due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the vast archipelagic reality of the delegation, this annual retreat and assembly is divided into six groups and five different locations: West Timor and Flores 1, West Timor and Flores 2, Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi and Timor Leste. The first group began their inner journey reflecting and discerning this profound call at the Claret Retreat House in Benlutu from October 11-16, 2021, while the rest of the group will follow the schedule programmed by the facilitators. The last group will be our missionaries in Timor Leste from December 15-21, 2021.


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