Diaconate Ordination in Kumbo, Cameroon

Kumbo, Cameroon. Thursday 28 October was a day of joy and celebration for the Claretian Missionaries and the people of God in the Diocese of Kumbo. This day saw the birth of a new deacon in the Delegation of Cameroon, in the person of Martin Hervé Ndi Nkoumou, cmf. The ordination took place in Kumbo at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Parish Tobin, through the laying of hands of His Lordship George Nkuo, Bishop of Kumbo.

The ceremony was heavily attended by priests, religious and lay faithful from the Diocese and beyond. Kumbo Diocese is situated in a zone that is highly affected by the armed conflict present in the Northwest and Southwest Region of Cameroon. It is a precarious situation that has led to the kidnapping of many people. In the month of August 2019, two claretians were kidnapped and violently assaulted.

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