Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 1:39-45

The liturgy of this Fourth Sunday of Advent focuses on the figure of Mary, the Virgin Mother, expecting the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. What were her thoughts in these months while she was expecting? The answer comes precisely from today’s Gospel passage, the narrative of Mary’s visit to her elderly relative Elizabeth (cf. Lk 1:39-45). This episode helps us to interpret the mystery of man’s encounter with God that is not characterized by astonishing miracles, but rather, is characterized by faith and charity. Indeed, Mary is blessed because she believed: the encounter with God is the fruit of faith. Without faith one remains inevitably deaf to the consoling voice of God; and incapable of speaking words of consolation and hope to our brothers and sisters. That explains the meaning of Zachariah turning dumb, because he himself was in doubt of the message of the angel – how could he be speaking of the message of God’s consolation? Pope Francis gives the example of “People who have no faith, when they have to approach a person who is suffering, they speak words suited to the occasion, but they do not manage to touch their hearts. A person of Faith on the other hand, is capable of touching the lives and hearts of those in distress because they are in the first place, nourished by charity. The visit of our Lady to Elizabeth is not just an encounter of two people, but also an encounter between God and his people. A person of faith is capable of touching the hearts of people because their faith allows them to touch and experience their God. The Spirit teaches us to look beyond appearances and enables us to speak well of others – to bless them. This is especially true with regard to our brothers and sisters who are homeless, exposed to the rough world, lacking perhaps not only a roof over their head or a piece of bread, but also lack the friendship and warmth of a community to embrace, a shelter to protect them and a society that accept them. Mary, as she journeys to visit Elizabeth, reminds us where God desired to dwell and live, where his sanctuary is: it is in the midst of his People. There he is, there he lives, there he awaits us. We can apply to ourselves the prophet’s call not to fear, not to let our arms grow weak! For the Lord our God is in our midst; he is a powerful saviour (cf. Zeph 3:16-17) and he is in the midst of his people. This is the secret of every Christian: God is in our midst as a powerful saviour. Our certainty of this enables us, like Mary, to sing and exult with joy.

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