Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 6:45-52

The Gospel today presents the story of the disciples of Jesus on a boat facing the turbulent sea while Jesus walks towards them on the waters. The easiest explanation we have is of the image of the boat symbolising the Church, and the sea represents the world. Facing the scandals, hatred and persecutions in the world, the Church is worried. At a point of losing hope, they have the consoling presence of Jesus and with his words reassuring them, “It is I, do not be afraid.” Mark uses a lot of symbolisms while narrating this episode. He was writing this text for the Catechumens of Rome, at a time when the Church was facing persecutions and was threatened of extinction under the hostile Roman emperors. Mark wants to instil hope in to the community of believers by telling them that in spite of the turbulence of the sea in the dark night, the boat of the Church cannot be sunk, because, it is accompanied and protected by Jesus who can walk on the waters. The sea was considered the abode of the evil and the tempests were interpreted as the work of the devil. Hence, Jesus walking on the waters meant his victory over the powers of the evil. Yesterday the gospel spoke of Jesus feeding the 5000 in a secluded area. Today, he climbs a mountain alone while the disciples are asked to get on the boat, without Jesus. The whole episode of feeding the multitude and then Jesus moving alone up the mountain and the disciples left on the boat in the dark can be explained as the state of the Church after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Through his sacrifice on the Cross, he feeds the multitude with his body and blood. After his resurrection and ascension, Jesus is no more physically present with the disciples. He climbs up the mountain – mountain in the bible always referred to the abode of God’s presence. The disciples, strengthened with the meal they had with Jesus, are now left alone to cross over the sea, braving the storms and turbulence of life. Yet, he does not leave them alone. He who has defeated the powers of the evil, walks on the turbulence of the sea to reassure his frightened disciples: “Courage, It’s I, Do not be afraid.” When the scandals, persecutions and pains of daily life choke us up, the voice of the Lord reassures us: Do not be afraid. I am with you.

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