Coffee With God

Reflection: Mk 3:1-6
Of all of the sins that plague us, pride may be one of the most common and among the worst. It is so easy – almost reflexive – to lash out against people whom we dislike, without considering the concerns of the other person. It’s hard for us to admit that perhaps we were wrong, or that someone else’s idea is better than mine. The Pharisees are getting upset because a miracle takes place and it is on the “wrong day.” How sad!! Instead of being in awe and sharing the joy of this man who is no longer plagued with a “withered hand” – the religious leaders are upset for a lame reason: this is done on a Sabbath! The Pharisees’ reactions were results of sinful pride. They were the self-proclaimed leaders of their time. They couldn’t stomach the popularity and wisdom of a certain Jesus, of humble origins who taught with authority and performed mighty works. Instead of developing a curiosity about the significance of a man who could do such things and appreciating his mighty deeds and teachings, they turn red-faced because their pride is wounded. It’s so easy for us to behave in the same fashion; to ignore the significant signs around and instead, focus on our personal significance and importance. We live in a time where the Church and its Faith are under scrutiny. The teachings of the Church are often ridiculed and rejected as obsolete and absurdities. The society is more affiliated to what is “politically correct” and refuses to stand for what is morally correct. The silence of the crowd in the Synagogue angered Jesus. They refused to take a stand on whether it was right or wrong to save life on the sabbath. Instead, they joined hands with the Herodians, to destroy Jesus. What happens in the society today is no different from what happened to Jesus. The Gospel today invites us to look around, to see where the weak are rejected, their voice is suppressed, and their lives are destroyed. The gospel challenges us to protect lives and be the voice of the voiceless. We are in the week of prayer for Christian Unity. Theme for today’s prayer is, “Humble leadership breaks down walls and builds up with love.” we often covet worldly models of leadership. Today we pray for all the churches that the Holy Spirit may help us to seek our Lord Jesus Christ not in the palaces of the powerful but among the poor, the weak and the helpless and to emulate the meekness of Jesus in our lives. Let us desire to empty ourselves as we serve each other in obedience to Jesus.

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