Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 4:21-25

Pope Francis explains today’s gospel by raising a few questions to examine ourselves. To What extent do I measure others? By what measure do I measure myself? Is it a generous measure, full of God’s love? Or is it a low level measure? Each of us has a style, “a way of measuring ourselves, things and others” and it will be the same that the Lord will use with us. So those who judge with selfishness, will be judged in the same way; those who have no mercy and, in order to climb in life, “are capable of trampling on everyone’s heads”, will be judged in the same way, that is, “without mercy”, says the pope. But, how do we know what is the acceptable measuring level for a Christian, a level that Jesus wants? It is the ability to be humble just as Jesus had humbled himself even unto death. It is the measure that Jesus had set for his disciples. A Christian who fails to be humble, lacks something. Today’s Gospel invites us to be lamps that are lit to illuminate a world that passes through the darkness of a pandemic and its uncertainties. Our world still reels under the scary grip of numerous variants of the Covid-19; experts in the field foresee an economic recession across the globe and more people might die of famine and hunger than from the disease itself; Practicing religion and professing a faith are no longer appreciated by the society and moreover, they are even punishable and the believers are persecuted both by fundamentalists and governments. It is into such a darkened world, that the Word of God invites us to be lamps. The Gospel message is as relevant for today’s world as it has been in the time of Jesus. We have received the faith and by the virtue of our baptism, we live in the light of Christ. Now Jesus reminds us that the light that we have received is not meant to be hidden. It is meant to illuminate the whole surroundings with the light of Christ. It is in humility that we agree to burn like a candle, to give light and warmth to all around, while emptying oneself. Humanity is sinking into a pit of darkness, with growing inequalities, wars, the destruction of nature … Sadness and discouragement spread… darkness. In the midst of so much night, we are called to be light. We have received the gift of God, the Word, the Kingdom: It is this light that we have to transmit to the world. in the midst of so much hopelessness, sadness, selfishness and violence, let us shine with humility, hope, joy and love.

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