An Award for Forming Religious to be…

An Award for Forming Religious to be Rooted in Christ, Audacious in Mission

Madrid, Spain. Spanish Religious Conference, commonly known as CONFER in Spain, celebrates its 3rd edition of Premios Carisma (Charisma Awards) in November at the Pablo VI Foundation Auditorium in Paseo de Juan XXIII, 3 in Madrid. The objective of the Charisma Awards is to recognize the work that different persons, institutions, foundations carry out according to the fundamental purpose of CONFER: to encourage, serve and promote religious life.

As early as February 1, 2022, the list of the awardees was already announced by CONFER. One of them is our very own, the well-known Claretian theology professor, Fr. José Cristo Rey García Paredes, CMF. He will receive the Charisma Award for Formation and Spirituality for his ardent dedication of a lifetime to help reflect and open horizons from theological formation to numerous generations of believers and especially to an uncountable number of religious of all ages and cultures around the world.

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