II Assembly of Padre Xifré Independent Delegation

Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The Claretian Missionaries of Padre Xifré Delegation have started this Sunday, February 13, 2022, its II Assembly in Bata, in the novitiate community. Members have come from the two countries that compose the Major Organism, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.

The inaugural session was divided into four phases: prayer, a welcome message from the Major Superior, a statement from Fr. Joseph Mbungu, CMF, the President of the Assembly, and some practical questions.

During the morning of February 14, the participants had a retreat led by Fr. Joseph Mbungu Mutu, CMF. The biblical passage reflected in depth was that of the disciples of Emmaus, which they meditated on at the personal, group, and intergroup levels. A methodology that has enriched them by making the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus converted into two fundamental questions: What do they expect from the Assembly? And what must each of them do so that what they expect materializes?


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