More collegiality and less centralization in Rome…

More collegiality and less centralization in Rome – New Motu Proprio of Pope Francis

Rome, Italy. Last February 11, newspapers around the world echoed Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio, entitled Fidem servare which reorganizes internally the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). This reorganization involves the creation of a secretariat for each section (one doctrinal and one disciplinary), in order to respond more efficiently to the mission entrusted to it.

However, little has been said about the Motu Proprio approved on the same day entitled Competentias quasdam decernere which modified certain competencies that affect some provisions of the Code of Canon Law and the Code of the Oriental Churches.

We consulted Fr. José-Félix Valderrábano CMF to find out more.

What is the major innovation of this Motu Proprio?

The first novelty is the recognition of the universality and plurality of the Church, of the differences that exist in it without homologizing them. The ministry of the Bishop of Rome guarantees unity among all the Churches.

The second is the decentralization that it implies and the responsibility that bishops and Superiors General must assume.

And the third is the pastoral and governmental effectiveness due to the closeness to the people and knowledge of concrete situations.

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