Diaconate Ordination in East Nigeria Province…

Ahiara, Nigeria. On 12 March 2022, Magnus Chukwuebuka Nwogwugwu, CMF was ordained a deacon at the Mater Ecclesiae Cathedral in Ahiara, Mbaise, Imo State. He was ordained together with seven others who belong to the Catholic Diocese of Ahiara by the Archbishop-elect of Owerri Archdiocese and Apostolic Administrator of Ahiara Diocese, Most Rev Lucius Ugorji.

The ordaining prelate in his homily reminded the ordinands that, “as deacons, they are icons of service and servants of Christ. The diaconal order is a call to service. Despite our weaknesses, the Lord still chose us to serve him. Anyone who is a servant is to be obedient and listen to his master and listening to the Master means listening to his Word.”

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