Coffee With God

Reflection: Jn 15:26-16:4

As we move from the Easter season toward the Pentecost, our readings begin to speak of the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew that his disciples and each of us would face unjust hardships, the kind that would severely test our faith. Jesus knew that his disciples would not be able to withstand persecutions on their own. Today’s Gospel is Jesus’ answer to these overwhelming challenges and he promises his disciples and now each of us with the Helper, the Paraclete – the Holy Spirit. The mission of the disciples would be to witness to the Jewish leadership and to the rest of the world, the truth of Jesus – precisely in the face of their opposition. But they are never left alone. The Paraclete empowers the disciples to face every trial they face. Today’s passage also gives a hint to persecution of those who believe in Jesus, not from outside of the Church but from within. The hour is coming when people who kill you think they are offering worship to God. Jesus had revealed a God who loved the world and every creature; he had no favourites, because everyone, without exception, was his favourite. But people who are driven by their selfishness, want a God who favours them; they want their God to be against those whom they oppose. They prefer to believe in this God of their choice and they act with violence even as they quote the Word of God to defend that God of their choice. This can be the most disheartening experience for the faithful in the Church – to have such scandalous behaviours from within the Church. The numerous scandals within the Church and divisions on account of liturgical traditions cut deep the body of Christ and the members of this body are no more driven by the command of love, but by hatred and desires for power. This has led many to lose hope, abandon their faith and leave the Church. John was faced with this problem in his community. Therefore, he writes to his readers and listeners – reminding them that the Lord had indeed foreseen this and, therefore promised us his Paraclete. This is the role of the Holy Spirit – to strengthen us when our faith is shaken and profess like St. Paul: I believe and “proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.’ Lord, our God, if we really believe in you and in your Son, we cannot be but witnesses. Send us your Spirit of strength, that we may give no flimsy excuses for not standing up for you and for the love and the rights of our neighbour.

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