XXVI GC: The path is made by walking

Nemi, Italy. September 8, 2021. Today, September 8, Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, the members of the delegations based in India and Sri Lanka, and those of St. Charles Lwanga in East Africa, presided at the Eucharist. In the homily, the protagonism of St. Joseph, who kneels in total obedience to the call of God, was underlined. In the Word he hears in his dream. Joseph finds the energy to come out of his state of confusion. His obedience strengthens him, allowing him to approach that periphery where God usually leads those he chooses, so that they may acquire a broader vision.

Then, in the chapter hall, Joseph Jeyaseelanel, major superior of St. Joseph Vaz (Sri Lanka), the only capitular who could not be present in Nemi, proclaimed the text of the Magnificat via the internet. Thus, our day was framed between the “fiat” of Mary and the supportive and faithful response of Joseph. In both call stories, a pattern is evident that is already found in the first verses of the Bible (Gen 1:1-3), in the story of creation. First there was chaos, over which the Spirit of God moved, then the creative Word was spoken and immediately everything was fulfilled in obedience. The fruit was a beautiful creation.


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