Fix our eyes on the Cross


Reflection John 3: 13-17

The Cross is the sacred symbol of our faith. Yet, for the first three centuries after the death of Jesus on the cross, the Christians intentionally did not use the cross as a symbol of their faith. They were recognized in other symbols—the anchor, the fish, the loaves, the dove, the shepherd—but they were reluctant to depict the cross. It evoked the infamous death of their Master, death reserved for slaves and brigands, and that was one of the reasons they were ridiculed by the non-believers. “We proclaim a crucified Messiah. For the Jews, what a great scandal! And for the Greeks, what nonsense!”—wrote Paul (1 Cor 1:23). But the Christians were reluctant to translate this truth into a symbol. On 14 September, 335 a huge crowd of pilgrims flocked from all over the world in Jerusalem. They celebrated the feast of the dedication of the basilica built by Constantine on the site of the holy sepulchre. On the rock of Calvary, the emperor placed a wonderful jewelled cross to mark the place of Christ’s sacrifice. That day marked the transition to the worship of the cross. They started to manufacture it with the most precious metals, was embedded with pearls, appeared everywhere, on churches, on banners, on the crown of the prince, on the coins…. Today’s gospel speaks about the discourse of Jesus to Nicodemus calls on us to look to Jesus who is “lifted up” on the Wood of the Cross; We are called to keep your eyes fixed on the love that God has revealed on Calvary. The cross is the antidote to the poison of the serpent – the devil, that can induce to kill the innocent. At every moment, we come across snakes that can poison our existence. They are the craving for possessions, the frenzy of power, the desire for recognition. Only an eye directed to him who was lifted up on the Cross can cure us of this poison. The Cross is the reference point of each gaze of the believer who sees the total proposal made to him by the Master of life. Today’s feast also reveals how God expresses his judgment: According to the criteria of this world, the cross is the sign of defeat and failure of a lifetime. According to the judgment of God, it is the supreme proof of love. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross invites everyone to evaluate one’s life, based on the life, lifted on the Cross.

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