Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 7:31-35
Jesus was gaining popularity and people began to raise questions: “Who is this?” Even John the Baptist who was assigned with the mission of preparing the way for the Messiah, now in prison, raises his concerns about whether Jesus is truly the Messiah. Jesus uses the occasion to speak words of high praise for John, “Of all the children born of women, there is no one greater than John.” Today’s passage is the continuation of this scene. Jesus confronts the religious leaders for their rejection of John the Baptist and Jesus himself. They had closed their minds and would not accept anyone who criticised their false traditions. Jesus finds their attitude so childish and calls on them to grow up. Are we open for change? The ones who know the rules of God the most – the religious leaders and the learned – are the ones who are often times the most blinded by their pride. They tend to believe that they alone have the whole truth, and refuse to pay attention to the voices around them. Pride and self-righteousness make them childish. It is important for us not to fall into such a trap. Discerning the voice of God is possible only when we are humble enough to see the face of God in the lives of poor people, whom we consider as so ordinary. God speaks to us in so many ways and through so many people and situations, through a saint or a sinner, through a man or a woman, through a refugee or a local person. No wonder, the tax collectors and sinners found a friend in Jesus – because he moved with them and ate with them on purpose – to reassure them they too are valued, appreciated and loved. Will our comraderies and fellowships be limited to those who are appreciated and respected in the society? Our identity as Christians demand from us to go beyond the normal customs followed by the society and not to restrict ourselves within our comfort zones. How would we imagine inviting some street-children or street sleepers, at least a few of them, to our campuses or to our houses and share a meal with them? Does it sound crazy? Indeed, Jesus has proposed to us a crazy life project. Dare to respond?

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