Author Archives: admin

Sunday January 9

Feast of the Lord’s Baptism You Are My Beloved Son             When Jesus asked John the Baptist to baptize him in the Jordan, just as John had baptized other people, Jesus saw that his task was to save people from their sins. He himself was without sin, but he made himself one with the people […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 On this Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. Last Sunday, we reflected on the manifestation – the “Epiphany of the Lord.” But this Epiphany did not end with the story of the Magi; instead, that was only the beginning of God’s manifestations. At the time of his baptism, heaven opened, […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 3:22-30 Today’s gospel brings to us two key sentences from John the Baptist as guidelines for our participation in the life of the community – the Church. Our faith in Jesus implies that we are members of one Family. We cannot ignore our brothers and sisters and still claim to be disciples of […]

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