Author Archives: admin


On Wednesday 29th December at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Parish in Akono, Archdiocese of Yaoundé, the Claretian missionaries experienced the joy of priestly childbirth with the ordination to the priesthood of four new priests, Frs. Annasetus Awuntuh Chuo, Apollinaire Achile Aba, Joseph Marie Brice Belinga and Philippe Christian Fozin, cmff. These new priests were ordained […]

God Is Love

Tuesday January 4 Tuesday After Epiphany   Here comes the great theme of the apostle John, almost like an obsession, both in his letter and in the gospel: God is the origin of all love. For he is love: a love that is giving, a love, as the gospel shows, that is compassionate. Self-communication is […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 6: 34-44 People followed Jesus in large numbers because he had compassion on them. Compassion and empathy are attitudes of heart, that results from love. It was his love led him to be involved in the lives of people. The Lord is always there, loving first: he is waiting for us. When Andrew […]

Monday January 3

Monday After Epiphany   The Kingdom of Heaven Is Near              The gospel of today speaks of the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry. He preaches his gospel of repentance-conversion first to the semi-pagan Jews of Galilee: he becomes their light.             The signs that the kingdom of God has begun with him are that the sick […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 Today’s Gospel describes the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. He does not begin his mission in Jerusalem, the religious, social and political centre, but in Galilee, on the outskirts, an area which the Jews had looked down upon. Jesus began his preaching from where John the Baptist had stopped: “Repent, because the […]

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