Author Archives: admin

Monday January 3

Monday After Epiphany The Kingdom of Heaven Is Near    Introduction          The gospel of today speaks of the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry. He preaches his gospel of repentance-conversion first to the semi-pagan Jews of Galilee: he becomes their light.          The signs that the kingdom of God has begun with him are that the […]

Sunday January 2  

Epiphany of the lord   Light Revealed to the Nations             The celebration of Epiphany, meaning “manifestation,” is like a second Christmas. It is, in fact, the Christmas of the Eastern Churches. It proclaims that the child Jesus belongs to and is given to the whole world as its Savior. With the magi the world […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 2:1-12 Today the Church celebrates the solemnity of the Epiphany. “Epiphany” means manifestation. It refers to the manifestation of a glory of the Saviour that was hidden to humanity until the birth of Jesus. The Evangelist Matthew tells us that the Magi, when they came to Bethlehem, “saw the child with Mary his […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: A year of companionship, community, and mutual blessings Happy New Year 2022 ! Today’s Feast of Mary, the Mother of God is a very appropriate way to begin a new year. It is also the world day of Peace. This celebration reminds us that the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, is also […]

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