Author Archives: admin

Coffee With God

Reflection : Luke 19: 1-10 “Publicans and prostitutes will overtake you in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mt 21:31). Did Jesus say this as a warning to the so called righteous of the community? Perhaps, we who are Christians and who boast of our rich traditions and faith, have something to learn from the story of […]

Tuesday November 16

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time I MUST STAY IN YOUR HOUSE                                                            Introduction       The first book of the Maccabees is historical and gives us the story of the struggle of the faithful Jews to preserve their religion and culture. The second book of the Maccabees is a more edifying book that gives us inspiring examples […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 18:35-43 The healing story of the blind is situated in Jericho. Remember, Jesus is on his final days of the journey towards Jerusalem, where he will make his sacrifice. Jericho is situated on the main pilgrim route from Galilee to Jerusalem. Most pilgrims chose this route in order to bypass Samaria. Luke wants […]

Monday November 15

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time  JESUS, LIGHT OF OUR EYES                                                   Introduction       This week the first reading in Year I will be taken from the two canonical books of the Maccabees. These tell the story of the epic fight of the Jews against the Syrian empire. The Syrian king wanted to unify […]

Hope in a New World

November 14, Sunday Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time   Some parts of Scripture, like today’s readings, speak of calamities and disasters as signs of an old world decaying and Jesus coming in judgment. Today’s television and other media bring into our homes the disasters and violence and suffering of the whole world; and people ask: […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 13:24-32 We are almost at the end of the liturgical year. When Mark writes this page of his Gospel, the Roman empire was ravaged by wars, plagues, calamities, and famines. The Christian communities were affected by the persecution and killings. Faced with such struggles Some fanatics began to spread rumours of an imminent […]

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