Author Archives: admin


October 20,  Wednesday TWENTY-NINTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME           Persons who have been set free from the slavery of sin, says Paul, should live in the grace of God as free persons. They can only serve what is right and good. They should live as a free and responsible Christians.       In the Gospel, […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 12: 39-48 The parables on vigilant waiting for the Kingdom are continued for our reflection. Today’s parable describes the unexpected arrival of the thief. Jesus exhorts: “You also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (v. 40). The disciple is one who awaits […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 12: 35-38 Jesus’ lesson continues with the parable on the theme of vigilance. In the parable of the servants waiting for their master to return at night, the Lord teaches us, “Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes” (v. 37). Jesus presents yet another “Blessed” – other than […]

Abandon your cloak to gain your sight

  THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B   Introduction Homer saw, but he is depicted as blind. He was the symbol of inspired men, of those who, to penetrate profound truths, hidden from ordinary mortals, must close their eyes to the reality of this world. In ancient Greece, even the wise men, the […]

Saint Luke

October  18, Monday Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time A man concerted from a heartless paganism is struck by Christ, the Lord, who is concerned about the poor and the downtrodden; a physician, he is fascinated too by a man who is more than a man, Christ the Lord who heals the sick body and soul. […]

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