Author Archives: admin

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 10:1-9 According to a pious tradition, St. Luke is thought to have painted the image of Mary, the Virgin Mother. But the real portrait that Luke draws of the Blessed Mother is the one that emerges from the pages of his Gospel. In those familiar scenes of the Annunciation, the Visitation and her […]

Coffee With God

    Reflection: Mark 10:35-45 Desires for power, positions, wealth and glory are part of man’s life. How far does one nurture these desires would decide how far does he/she moves away from the Kingdom of God. The Gospel presents a dispute among the 12 apostles. It turns out to be an issue of a […]


October 16, Saturday TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME         Faith consists in encountering a living God and taking him at his word, believing in a promise. This is what Abraham did, and God fulfilled the promise. This is, in a way, what two young people do when they embark on a marriage. They trust that […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 12:8-12 Jesus continues to prepare his disciples for trials that they would face in the future. He encourages them to be steadfast in their faithfulness to Christ as their Lord. The imageries of the Son of Man and the angels of God that Jesus used here were taken from the Book of Daniel, […]

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