Author Archives: admin

New Director of the Center of Claretian Spirituality

Fr. Juan Carlos Martos Paredes CMF, new Director of the Center of Claretian Spirituality (CESC) Rome, Italy. Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, Superior General of the Congregation, has appointed Fr. Juan Carlos Martos Paredes, CMF as the new Director of the Center of Claretian Spirituality (CESC), replacing Fr. Carlos Enrique Sánchez Miranda, CMF, new General Consultor and […]

Angel: anyone who is a mediator of God’s tenderness.

Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael (29 September)   Introduction In the collective imagination, the angel has a well-defined character and those who paint him must adhere to certain pre-established canons. An angel with hippy traits, tail, tattoo on his arm and jeans would have little chance of being accepted, not only by […]

Indissolubility: a requirement of love, not a precept

  Twenty seventh Sunday in the Ordinary Time – Year B     Introduction There are situations in which two spouses wonder, with good reason, if it is still worth insisting on trying to fix a relationship that began badly and is proving to be irreparably broken. They no longer love each other, there are […]

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