Author Archives: admin


September 27, Monday TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME           Today’s chapter of Zechariah is a later addition by his disciples. It pictures the restoration of a remnant, with faithful people, young and old, in the streets of Jerusalem, and God living among them.       Childlike, but not childish… We are God’s children, yet not infants. […]

Coffee With God

Reflection : Luke 9:46-50 Today’s Gospel speaks of some on-the-job training for the disciples of Jesus. Jesus identifies two attitudes of the mind and heart – jealousy and envy – that are obstacles to true discipleship. The disciples are going through their schooling during their three years with Jesus. “An argument arose among the disciples […]

Monday September 27

TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME LIKE CHILDREN   Introduction       Today’s chapter of Zechariah is a later addition by his disciples. It pictures the restoration of a remnant, with faithful people, young and old, in the streets of Jerusalem, and God living among them.       Childlike, but not childish… We are God’s children, yet not infants. We […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 The disciples of Jesus are confronted by a huge confusion: How can someone who does not follow us, who does not belong to our group, perform the same wonders or even greater ones that were copyrighted to us? If someone successfully occupies the field where we are called to carry […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 9: 43-45 “The Son of Man will be handed over to men.” Last Sunday we have reflected on this verse, of course from the narration of St. Mark. Father Armellini had given a beautiful explanation for this. Jesus says he will be handed over to men. Who will hand him over? Who could […]

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