Author Archives: admin


 September 16, Thursday TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME         In antiquity, maturity was supposed to come not earlier than the age of fifty. Timothy must have been about thirty only when Paul wrote his first letter to him. Paul advises him to develop the charisma he had received at his ordination, through the imposition of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 7:31-35 Jesus was gaining popularity and people began to raise questions: “Who is this?” Even John the Baptist who was assigned with the mission of preparing the way for the Messiah, now in prison, raises his concerns about whether Jesus is truly the Messiah. Jesus uses the occasion to speak words of high […]

Twenty five Sunday in the Ordinary Time – Year B

THE ONE WHO SERVES IS WORTH, NOT THE ONE WHO SEEKS TO STAND OUT   Introduction He who is in love is always “out of himself with joy.” He goes out of himself; he forgets himself by an irrepressible impulse to go to meet the other. Even the mystical experience of ecstasy—from the Greek wordexistánai—means […]

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