Author Archives: admin

XXVI GC: Worshippers and joyful witnesses in the Church’s boat

Nemi, Italy. September 9, 2021. The Chapter has only a few days left but our community does not lose the vigor of working together and the joy that comes from God. This was announced in the opening hymn of the Eucharist, animated by our brothers from Colombia-Venezuela: joyful morning, which speaks to us of you. And so, […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 6:43-49 In our final reading from Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Plain, Jesus speaks of the qualities of a genuine disciple. Jesus challenges his disciples to live their lives worthy of the name of Christ. Pope Francis, during his special audience with the members of the Claretian Missionaries after their General […]


September 11, Saturday TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   Christ came to call sinners, and of this fact Paul himself is the perfect example. Persecutor as he had been, God in his patience showed mercy to Paul, who had been a persecutor of Christians. Luke makes two main points today. Christians will be recognized for […]

The Prologue

  The Prologue of the fourth Gospel is a splendid symphony with which John introduces the story of the Lord Jesus, Savior of the world, revealer of the Father. The Prologue is a characteristic element of the fourth Gospel. In the Gospel of Luke, we have some verses that he presents as the method that […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 6: 39-42 The liturgy of the Word in the past days has led us to meditate on basic Christian attitudes: to be generous in giving, to serve, to forgive, to be merciful. Today the Church calls our attention on brotherly correction. When a brother, a sister from the community makes a mistake, how […]


September 10, Friday TWENTY-THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME         Paul pours out his gratitude for what the grace and mercy of God has made him. God’s grace has perhaps not appeared to us in a way as dramatic as in Paul’s life, but, even though we have not been thrown off a horse by God’s […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 6: 27-38 The authors of the gospels have tried to present Jesus as the new Moses – the new law-giver- the Messiah. The Ten Commandments formed the basis of the Jewish faith which offered them guidelines for their religious as well as social life. In the New Testament, Jesus gives a new guideline […]

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